True Reality vs. Cultural Captivity February 7, 2017 by Paul Barreca Video Audio 2 Corinthians 3 reminds us that spiritual warfare requires training. To prepare for the fight, we must engage in these three activities.
The Garments of a Christ-Like Believer December 4, 2016 by Paul Barreca Video Audio Living for Jesus involves putting off sinful behavior and putting on the Christ-like attitudes of selfless love for others.
Extreme Makeover – From a Sinful Self to a New Identity in Christ! November 27, 2016 by Paul Barreca Video Audio To stay faithful to Christ and not be carried away captive, Christians are instructed to conduct their lives according to the New Nature that they possess through Christ.
Avoid Becoming a Spiritual Casualty October 16, 2016 by Paul Barreca Audio The Philosophy of the world will draw us away from our dedication to Christ.
Four Characteristics of Mature Disciples September 18, 2016 by Paul Barreca Audio Practice these four traits that Paul prayed his friends would possess, and you will grow in your spiritual maturity.
Following Christ will Transform Your Character November 8, 2015 by Paul Barreca Audio Download Sermon Resources There are many ideas about how to improve your character, but only a relationship with Christ can transform your character.