Pray for the Lost
Pray for the lost to see God move in their hearts and revival come to our church.
Pray for the lost to see God move in their hearts and revival come to our church.
Paul’s commitment as a servant to others is a model for every believer, not just pastors and missionaries.
The World we live in is changing rapidly. We need courage and boldness to speak the Truth. We can find that example in the life of Daniel as he interprets the handwriting on the wall.
By studying Daniel, we will get a glimpse of a man who lived and thrived in a pagan culture. Daniel instructs us how we should live in our culture today.
Understanding your audience is important! But while it is EASY to see this in MISSIONS, we fail to apply this to evangelism!
We have all experienced that it is much easier to talk about witnessing than to actually witness. Today we will discover that the instructions Jesus gave help to remove the pressure and guilt that Christians sometimes feel about witnessing.
Today, we want to look further as how we can make disciples that are true disciples.
You don’t have to kill baby Jesus to end up in hell. You just have to reject him.
What are the basic elements of the Gospel? What truths are required to be Proclaimed, Understood, and Believed in order to be saved?
GOD LOVES CITIES. That’s where the people are, and God loves people.