SermonNotes February 3, 2013 FBCam
“TheHard Way – Why God Allows Difficult People in our Lives.”
CharlesR. Swindoll provides the following story which he calls “Tensionin the Tank.”
Inthe northeastern United States, codfish are not only delectable, theyare a big commercial business. There’s a market for eastern cod allover, especially in sections farthest removed from the northeastcoastline. But the public demand posed a problem to the shippers. Atfirst they froze the cod, then shipped them elsewhere, but the freezetook away much of the flavor. So they experimented with shipping themalive, in tanks of seawater, but that proved even worse. Not only wasit more expensive, the cod still lost its flavor, and in addition,became soft and mushy. The texture was seriously affected.
Finally,some creative soul solved the problem in a most innovative manner.The codfish were placed in the tank of water along with their naturalenemy—the catfish. From the time the cod left the East Coast untilit arrived in its westernmost destination, those ornery catfishchased the cod all over the tank! And you guessed it, when the codarrived at the market, they were as fresh as when they were firstcaught. There was no loss of flavor nor was the texture affected. Ifanything, it was better than before. (CharlesSwindoll, “Insight for Living” (
ISTHERE A CATFISH in your TANK? Is there a person in your life todaythat makes life difficult? Someone that is always there to hinderyour plans? Someone that seems to enjoy making you look bad?
Wecall this person an antagonist. Swindoll would call him or her acatfish.
Todaywe want to remember that GOD uses CATFISH. He uses them to build ourcharacter, to make us Stronger – to “preserve our “flavorand texture.” Catfishtend to reveal hidden faults and deepen our trust in God
We’reonto this subject today because we find Jacob encountering hisgreatest catfish, Uncle Laban.
Wefind the story in chapters 29-31 of Genesis. Today, let’sbegin our focus with Genesis31:38–42 . Here, Jacob replies to Laban and summarizes his feelings about thisrelationship that deteriorated during a twenty year period. ““Ihave been with you for twenty years now. Your sheep and goats havenot miscarried, nor have I eaten rams from your flocks. ” “Idid not bring you animals torn by wild beasts; I bore the lossmyself. And you demanded payment from me for whatever was stolen byday or night. ” “This was my situation: The heat consumedme in the daytime and the cold at night, and sleep fled from my eyes.” “It was like this for the twenty years I was in yourhousehold. I worked for you fourteen years for your two daughters andsix years for your flocks, and you changed my wages ten times. “”If the God of my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear ofIsaac, had not been with me, you would surely have sent me awayempty-handed. But God has seen my hardship and the toil of my hands,and last night he rebuked you.””
Youcan hear the frustration and hurt in Jacob’s voice! For yearshe was powerless as Laban’s influence grew in his life. Now heis trying to escape from his control.
Hereis a summary of Jacob’s History with Laban
29:15. ItStarted well! Atfirst, Laban welcomes Jacob and makes great promises to him.
29:21. The FIRST EVIDENCE that there was a problem surfaces when Jacobcompletes his seven year dowry for Rachel. Rather than Laban beingprepared to have a great celebration, Jacob must ASK Laban to fulfillthe promise for his bride. This shows that Laban is SELFISH.
Thehighlight of the conflict between Jacob and Laban is found in Genesis29:26 when Laban deceives Jacob on the most important night of hislife – his wedding night. .
InGenesis 30:27 we learn of MANIPULATIONwhen Laban compels Jacob to stayto take care of his flocks.
InGenesis 30:29-30. Wefind CONFRONTATION asJacob gives first complaint
Laban’scharacter is further demonstrate in Genesis 30:34. Labanis a cheater, he removes speckled and spotted animals AFTER Jacoband Laban had struck a deal.
InGenesis 31:1 we find the two in open CONFLICT. Here Laban’s sons accuse Jacob of stealing from their father.
InGenesis 31:14-15 we find evidence of BITTERNESS. Even Leah and Rachel are hurt by Laban.
Finally,in Genesis 31:38-42 we come to the SEPARATIONof these two men and their families. Because of conflict therelationship is brokenneverto be repaired.
Thereis agreat deal of information given here concerning relationships.
TheBIBLE gives us a TRUE PICTURE of relationships. IT is MORE RELIABLEthan psychology. By studying the dynamics of this story and how theLord deals with Jacob we can learn much about antagonists in ourlives today.
We’regoing to refer to these antagonists as “catfish.”
Catfish are the first to accuse others of the sins they themselves commit. 31:26
Catfish often start out as supporters. (29:13)
“The Instant Buddy Red-Flag” (Kenneth Haugk, “Antagonists in the Church,” 72).
“The worst dragons may be, in the beginning, your strongest supporters.” (Marshal Shelley, “Well Intentioned Dragons,” 42)
Psalm 41:9 “Even my close friend, whom I trusted, he who shared my bread, has lifted up his heel against me.”
Catfish are often members of your own family.
Catfish cause fear. 31:31
Catfish misrepresent the truth – and believe it! 31:43
Catfish are selfish. “All you see is mine” 31:43
Catfish steal the credit for the things that you have done. 31:51
Catfish accuse in the most important and treasured areas of your life. 31:25-30. Laban is saying to Jacob:
You don’t love Rachel and Leah
You can’t provide for them
You misjudged me (why didn’t you give me a chance to throw you a party)
I’ve always treated you right
I have a closer relationship with God than you do
I love God more than you do
You need God’s protection to survive a catfish attack! 31:24
Catfishwill not just go away – and God uses them in your life!
How to Swim When there’s Tension in the Tank
Consider God’s PURPOSES
Catfish keep us swimming when we’d rather be resting!
Catfish keep us praying when we’d otherwise forget!
Catfish keep us humble when were tempted to be self-sufficient
Catfish keep us careful when we’d otherwise be unguarded
Catfish keep us trusting in God rather than relying on our natural abilities, efforts and resources
Catfish help us to grow when we’d otherwise be content to rest
Catfish allow us to see what’s really inside our heart instead of believing our own excuses
Consider God’s People.
We tend to focus on the ANTAGONIST.
Instead, focus on the AUDIENCE
Unsaved spouse
Consider God’s Blessing
Jacob encountered God! (Gen 32:22)
Jacob gained a family – Rachel and Leah finally come together!
Jacob gained wealth. He arrived EMPTY and left FULL
Jacob grew as a shepherd
Jacob grew as a MAN of GOD – He mellowed!
What does God Want?
For YOU –
Marshall Shelly, “When attacked by a dragon, do not become one,” (“Well Intentioned Dragons, 61)
If the CATFISH is another Christian
If the CATFISH is in your church (Shelley, 67)
God wants to turn the CATFISH into a CHRISTIAN
God wants to turn the DRAGON into a DISCIPLE
Job 42:10 “After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before.”
Ifthere’s a Catfish nipping at your heels, thank God for thethings He is doing in your life.
Prayersto Pray when there’s Tension in the Tank (Pritchard)
1.Lord, make me soft and tender, not hard and bitter.
2.Lord, use me to show your love to the Labans in my life.
3.Lord, teach me the lessons I need to learn.
4.Lord, help me to focus on the AUDIENCE and not the ANTAGONIST