SermonNotes March 10, 2013 FBCam

TheBlessing of a Selfless Saint”


Therewas a time in our lives when our daughter was hospitalized forextended periods of time. We learned how friends can provide muchneeded encouragement during such times. One such friend was DanBubar. At the time, Dan was single and considering serving the Lordas a missionary to Hungary. Dan was one of those encouragingvisitors who stopped in to see us, bringing a meal or a milkshake andsimply talking with us and praying for us. We remember those visitsfrom Dan, some 25 years ago. Sadly, Dan was killed in a trafficaccident a number of years ago while serving as a missionary inHungary, but we will always remember Dan as the friend who encouragedus in our time of need.

Doyour fellow saints know you for your kindness? Today we will study afriend that was remembered by the Apostle Paul as a great encourager. One of Paul’s statements concerning Timothy is found inPhilippians2:19–24 “Ihope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, that I also maybe cheered when I receive news about you. ” “I have no oneelse like him, who takes a genuine interest in your welfare. “”For everyone looks out for his own interests, not those ofJesus Christ. ” “But you know that Timothy has provedhimself, because as a son with his father he has served with me inthe work of the gospel. ” “I hope, therefore, to send himas soon as I see how things go with me. ” “And I amconfident in the Lord that I myself will come soon.”

Aswe study this passage, we will examine the characteristics thatenable us to bless one another and specific ways that we can do thishere at FBC through our Bible Life Groups.

  1. A Selfless Saint Brings Cheer. Phil 2:19

Paulneeded some CHEER. He was in prison under house arrest in Rome. Unable to travel to visit his friends at the church in Philippi, Paulturns to TIMOTHY to go to Philippi and return with a report that hebelieved would bring him cheer.

Timothywas WITH PAUL in prison.

Colossians1:1 “Paul,an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy ourbrother,”

Philemon1 “Paul,a prisoner of Christ Jesus, and Timothy our brother, To Philemon ourdear friend and fellow worker,”

Philippians1:1 “Pauland Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all the saints in ChristJesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons:”

Thisemphasis on PRISON/ CHAINS in found throughout the book ofPhilippians:

Philippians1:7 “Itis right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have youin my heart; for whether I am in chains or defending and confirmingthe gospel, all of you share in God’s grace with me.”

Philippians1:13 “Asa result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard andto everyone else that I am in chains for Christ.”

Philippians2:17 “Buteven if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrificeand service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all ofyou.”

Philippians4:22 “Allthe saints send you greetings, especially those who belong toCaesar’s household.”

Noticethe sequence of events that bring us to this point in Paul’sministry:

1. Pauland Timothy travel to EPHESUS. 1Timothy 1:3 “AsI urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so thatyou may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer”

2. Paulsummoned Timothy BACK when he was arrested again. 2 Timothy 1:4“Recallingyour tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy.” 2 Timothy 4:9 “Doyour best to come to me quickly,”

Timothy’sreputation: He ENCOURAGED Paul. “That I also may be cheeredwhen I receive news about you” (Phil 2:19)

Theword CHEEDED is the Greek word εὐψυχέω(eupsucheō). The English equivalent of this word is the word“psyched!” Paul was “psyched” with thethought of hearing good news about the Philippians from his friendTimothy!

APPLICATION:a good friend can bring CHEER

Toillustrate the theme of encouragement, have you ever wondered whyGEESE HONK?

Weknow that geese fly in a “V” formation reducing winddrag. The lead bird encounters more wind resistance, allowing thetrailing birds to cut through the air with less expended energy, thusextending the distance that the entire flock can fly. The geese taketurns in the lead, retiring to the rear to recover and one by one,the process continues. It’s a great picture of teamwork andefficiency.

SOMEBELIEVE that the HONKING of the geese in flight is the way that thetrailing geese encourage the lead goos to KEEP GOING!!! It’s agreat picture of encouragement! However, some Christians have BROKENHONKERS!

Silenthonkers (wedon’t say anything encouraging – personality of EORE)

Outof Tune Honkers (wediscourage with our words) Proverbs25:11 “Aword aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”

IllTimed Honkers(we say the wrong thing at the wrong time)

Stephanus,Fortunatus, Achaichus followed the same pattern of encouragement. 1Corinthians 16:18 “Forthey refreshed my spirit and yours also. Such men deserverecognition.”

Onesiphorusfollowed the same pattern. 2 Timothy 1:16 “Maythe Lord show mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, because he oftenrefreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains.”

Nextwe find the second characteristic of selfless saints.

  1. A Selfless Saint Puts Others First. Phil 2:20-21

TIMOTHYlived to help others.

Timothytraveled on 2ndMJ

Timothytraveled on 3rdMJ

Timothyserved in Thessalonica, Berea, Corinth, Philippi, Troas and Ephesus.

Timothycomforts Paul during first Roman imprisonment.

Timothytravels to Ephesus again and receives 1 and 2 Timothy

Paulasks for Timothy before he dies.

Christianslike Timothy are RARE. Phil 2:20

Timothyand Epaphroditus STAND OUT against most Christians who seek theirown. Phil 2:21


  1. A Selfless Saint Makes Serving Others a Lifestyle. Phil 2:22-24

Timothy“provedhimself.” Theword means “stood the test.” It is used in 2Corinthians 2:9 “Thereason I wrote you was to see if you would stand the test and beobedient in everything.”

Timothywas a LOYAL FRIEND. “Asa sonwith his father hehas served with me in the work of the gospel”

Aselfless friend brings refreshment

Aselfless friend puts others first

Aselfless friend makes serving others a lifestyle.

Howdo we ensure that EVERYMEMBER hasan opportunityto SERVE andan opportunityto BE Encouraged?

GENERAL. Dogood to ALL. Galatians6:10 “Therefore,as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially tothose who belong to the family of believers.”

SPECIFIC. Everychurch has to decide how to best meet the needs of ALL the members.

Acts6:5 “theproposal pleased the whole group”

Servethose closest to you.


BillCrowder, writer for “Our Daily Bread” tells the followingstory…..

Whiletraveling together, my wife and I started talking with a delightfulyoung woman we met. The time passed quickly as we chatted aboutlighthearted topics.

Butwhen she heard that I was a minister, the conversation took aheart-wrenching turn. She began to share with us that when herhusband left her only a few months earlier, she had struggled withthe pain of that abandonment.

Thenshe smiled and said, “Ican’t tell you how much my church has meant to me these pastmonths.” Hermood and countenance changed dramatically as she recountedthe ways her church family had wrapped their loving arms around herin her season of heartache. Itwas refreshing to hear how that local assembly had surrounded herwith the love of Christ.

Striveto be a SELFLESS SAINT!