Finding Yourself in the Psalms

Psalm 116

A Psalm of Comfort When a Loved One is Taken in Death

Very personal Psalm. Personal pronouns used 37 times. All but 3 verses have a personal pronoun.
Possibly a Psalm of Hezekiah when he received healing from his illness. 2 Kings 20.

Gratitude for Deliverance

I. DANGER. 116:1-4
A. Cords of death
B. Anguish of the grave
A. V. 6 “simplehearted” “those whose lack of wisdom and experience exposes them
to danger” (Ryrie)
B. God’s concern for ME. V. 8.
1. Delivered my soul from death. SPIRITUAL
2. Delivered my eyes from tears. EMOTIONAL
3. Delivered my feet from stumbling. PHYSICAL
C. Psalm 103:14 “for he knoweth our frame, he remembereth that we are dust.”

A. V. 13. “Lift up the cup of salvation.” Prophetic. The Third cup of the Passover was “the cup of redemption.” It was after this third cup that the Hallel was read. Psalm 115-118. 118:25 “Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord.”

B. V. 14. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord. The devotion of Jesus. Luke 22:42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done.”
IV. DELIGHT. 15-19
A. Precious.
1. “Carefully watched over” (Ryrie).
2. Psalm 72:14. The Lord cares for the oppression of His people. ABEL’s

DEATH was seen by the Lord. Gen 4:10

3. Nothing happens to us without the Lord’s knowledge. Matt. 7:26 “are not you much more valuable than they?”

Illus – Call from Joe Dukes