Finding Yourself in the Psalms
Psalm 104
A Psalm to Worship God by Observing His Creation
Question: What is the meaning of worship?
Do you see God at work in your life and the world around you? WHY do we need rest? We need rest to worship God!
I WANT YOU TO SEE the beauty of Psalm 104. YHWH is honored!
7 sections
Parallels 7 days of creation
OUTLINE in your Bible!
1. 104: 1-4 YHWH Described Through His Creation
Day ONE of Creation “and God said, ‘let there be light. .’” Gen 1:3
a. (2) He is wraped in light b. (2) Heaven is His tent
c. (3) The sky is his dwelling
d. (3) the clouds are his chariot
e. (4) wind and fire are his servants
2. 104:5-9 YHWY, the Master Builder
Day TWO of Creation “So God made the expanse and separated the water under the
expanse from the water above it. . .” Gen 1:7
a. (5) Describe the FOUNDATIONS of the earth b. (6-9) Describe the boundaries of the waters
3. 104:10-18 YHWH, the Master Gardener
Day THREE of Creation “The land produced vegetation, plants bearing seek according to their kinds, and trees bearing fruit with seen in it according to their kinds.” Gen 1:11
a. (10-12) He is the SOURCE of flowing water
b. (13-15) He is the Giver if LIFE and JOY
c. (16-17) He is the MASTER ARBORIST
d. (18) He provides refuge for all his creation
4. 104:19-23 YHWH, the One who controls TIME and SEASONS
Day FOUR of creation. “God made the two great lights – the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars” Gen 1:16 a. (19) He controls the moon
b. (19) He controls day and night
c. (23) He provides light for man’s labor
5. 104:24-26 YHWH, the GIVER of Life
Day FIVE of Creation. “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly
above the earth across the expanse of the sky.” Gen 1:20
a. (24) He created all the animals
b. (25-26) He created all of the fish of the seas
6. 104: 27-30 YHWH, the SUSTAINER of Life
Day SIX of Creation. “God made the wild animals according to their kinds. . .and
God said, ‘Let us make man in our image in our likeness. . .” Gen 1:24, 26
a. (27-28) His creation depends on Him for food b. (29-30) His creation submits to His will
7. 104:31-35 YHWH, My God and the One Whom I worship!
Day SEVEN of Creation. “And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done” Gen 2:3 a. (31-32) He is worthy of my WORSHIP
b. (33) He is worthy of my SONG
c. (34) He is worthy of my MEDITATION
d. (35) He is worthy of my OBEDIENCE
Do you see YHWH’s hand in the events of your life?
In the beauty of the world around you? In the people around you?
In your joys, triumphs, trials?
Are you in LOVE with YHWH?